Here is papa cutting and cleaning the meat first
Papa is waiting for mama to ready the spices
Mama is adding some honey
Here is the recipes
Mama is mixing the meat with the spices
Papa and Imran are putting the meat in the stick
Satay without Kuah kacang? Cannot!
And voila! The final product
Doesn't it look yummy? It took us the whole night to prepare it. Phewh... we never thought making satay would be this hard. I mean its not that hard, The ingredients are simple. However, its requires many steps in making it. Starting from cleaning the chicken and take the bones out until grilled it on the fire! Its a lot of work~ Now, every time we want to go and buy satay in Malaysia, I'm sure all of us will appreciate the hardness of the people who made it.
Worth every penny....
P/s: Mama got the recipes from the Internet. Its a new way to be an instant chef I see~